across from和across的区别(Across from vs Across What's the Difference)

作者: 双枪 2023-08-19 10:09:43
Across from vs Across: What's the Difference?


English is a complex and ever-evolving language with many words and phrases that are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion for learners. Two such words that are frequently used interchangeably are \"across from\" and \"across,\" which can cause confusion in their usage. In this article, we will explain the differences between these two phrases and how to use them correctly in your writing and speaking.

The Difference between Across from and Across:

Across from and across are both prepositions used to indicate movement or position from one side to another. However, the usage of these words is slightly different. Across is used to indicate movement or position from one point or side of an area, surface, or place to a point or side on the opposite side. For example, \"The sun is across the sky\" or \"The man ran across the street.\"

In contrast, across from is used to indicate position or location on the opposite side of something. For example, \"The park is across from the museum\" or \"The store is across from the bank\". This means that across from refers to something that is situated directly opposite to another object or location.

Examples of Correct Usage:

To understand the differences between across from and across, let's take a look at some examples of correct usage:

  • She lives across from the grocery store. (This means that her house is located directly opposite the grocery store.)
  • He walked across the field to get to the other side. (This means that he walked from one end of the field to the other.)
  • The café is across the street from the bank. (This means that the café is located on the other side of the street from the bank.)
  • We swam across the river to reach the other bank. (This means that we swam from one side of the river to the opposite side.)


In conclusion, across and across from are both prepositions that indicate movement or position from one side or area to another, but they have different meanings and usage. Across is used for movement or position from one side of an area or place to a point on the opposite side. Across from is used to indicate position or location on the opposite side of something. By understanding the differences between these two phrases, you can use them correctly and effectively in your writing and speaking.

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