Do you want to submit a news story or a query to the English version of Shenyang Daily? Get in touch with us on our phone number: 18040042449.
The Best Way to Reach Us
If you have a newsworthy event or story that you think our readers would be interested in, the best way to reach us is by phone or email. One of our reporters will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss the details and gather any additional information that we might need.
In your message, make sure to include your full name and contact details so that we can reach out to you. We also welcome any photos or video that you might have to accompany your story.
Submitting a Query
If you have any questions or concerns about our publication, either in print or online, feel free to get in touch with us. We value our readers' feedback and will do our best to address any issues or concerns that you might have.
You can either call us or send us an email with your query. We'll make sure to respond as soon as possible with any information that we might have to help you.
Tips for Submitting Your News Story
If you're submitting a news story, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Make sure your story is newsworthy and relevant to readers in Shenyang.
- Include all relevant information, such as dates, times, and locations. Be as specific as possible.
- Provide quotes from people involved in the story, if possible.
- Include any supporting materials, such as photos or videos, that may help enhance the story.
Remember, the more information you can provide, the better. We're always on the lookout for great stories that our readers will love.
Thank you for considering Shenyang Daily as your source for news and information in Shenyang. We look forward to hearing from you!
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