桌的组词二年级下册两个字(小学英语词汇 双语组合 桌)
组合一:desk 和table
Desk is where we sit and work in class. It has a surface for writing and often has drawers to keep our things. Table is for us to have meals or gather around in the dining room. It can be made of wood, glass, or plastic. We use tablecloth and set tableware on it.
组合二:bookshelf 和desk lamp
Bookshelf is where we keep our books and toys. We can organize them by genre, author, or color. Desk lamp helps us read and write in the dark. It casts light on our books and papers. We can adjust its brightness and direction to suit our needs.
组合三:computer desk 和chair
Computer desk is where we place our computer and accessories. It has space for keyboard, mouse, monitor, and printer. It can also have shelves for books and CDs. Chair is where we sit when using the computer or doing homework. It has a backrest and armrest, and can swivel and adjust in height.
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